
lilium tsingtauense中文是什么意思

  • 青岛百合



  • 例句与用法
  • We educed the principal factors that led the young seedling of lilium tsingtauense population to die were imputed to the serious drought during l ~ 2years old , and the deficiency of soiar light in the communities , as well as in weaker intrinsic resistance to unthvorable environmental conditions
  • Based on long - term site studies and all - around investigation , we ascertained six subpopulations of lilium isingtauense at different altitude , applied gps , gis to make certain the orientation of individuals and mensurated their heights in each subpopulation , and estimated the age class of lilium tsingtauense . at same time some environment factors have been test with which the species growth and development have relationship . lilium tsingtauense , which mainly distributes in mountain lao , is an endemic , rare and endangered plant in china
    我们选择青岛百合作为范例开展植物复合种群的研究,在长期全面调查的基础上,选择典型分布区域设立了研究样带,确定了青岛百合复合种群的六个局部种群,并围绕个体生长阶段进行了长期的跟踪调查,应用gps对每株植物的空间位置进行了定位,测定了植株的高度,估测了植株的年龄等,在此基础上将取得的调查资料与地理信息系统( gis )分析工具相结合,对青岛百合复合种群进行了较为全面的研究。
  • And through leslie matrix analysis , we deduced , except of the subpopulation at altitude 490m , the subpopulations of lilium tsingtauense will not die out if not been disturbed badly . we estimated the growth ability and resistance ability of both metapopulation and local population by use the method of quamitative analysis for population structura1 dynamics . the growth ability order is population l > population 2 > population 3 > population 5 > population 6 > metapopulation > population 4
    川叩iqu n了e )复合种群研究摘要从种群年龄结构的稳定、衰退、增长概念出发,以种群结构参数为依据,运用加权法与条件概率乘法法则,定量椎导出衡量种群年龄结构及群落结构的动态指数,该方法克服了过去在植物种群结构动态比较评价中粗放的等级归类划分的缺陷,并能解决结构动态定量比较评价问题,因而认为有普遍使用的价值。
  • 百科解释
Lilium tsingtauense (also known as "Twilight Lily") is a species of lily native to East China and Korea. It is a medium sized herb that grows as a single stem from a scaly bulb.
  • 推荐英语阅读
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